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Response to Little and Lakens: a Comment on The Vindication of Magnitude-Based Inference

Alan M Batterham, Will G Hopkins

Sportscience 22,, 2018
Teesside University, Middlesbrough, UK; Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.;

Summary: The responses of Roderick Little and Daniël Lakens to our rebuttal of Dristin Sainani's critique of magnitude-based inference (MBI) have highlighted the need for MBI to be promoted and accepted as a valid form of Bayesian inference, in which probabilistic statements about the true magnitude of an effect are not modified by any prior belief or information about the effect.

We respond here to the comments of Rod Little and Daniël Lakens on our rebuttal of Kristen Sainani's critique of magnitude-based inference (Sainani, 2018), as well as summarising briefly and integrating the recent positive interactions on social media (see e.g., this Twitter thread). Rod Little’s helpful comment reinforces our assertion that MBI is indeed Bayesian with a least-informative prior. We are very happy to view MBI as a special case of calibrated Bayes inference and to describe the prior distribution as dispersed uniform.  We also agree that this "objective" form of Bayesian inference has a long history, countering recent claims on Twitter (by Harrell and Althouse) that we have "made up" a "new" method. That said, we have supplemented the simple presentation of posterior probabilities of attaining various effect sizes of interest with decision guidelines anchored to clinical, practical, or mechanistic relevance. Some kind of guidance is needed for researchers and practitioners making decisions, especially about potential implementation of an effect, and also for journal editors deciding whether an outcome has sufficient precision for publishability. Recently, we considered renaming MBI as minimalist Bayesian inference. On reflection, however, we feel that we have extended the simple derivation of posterior probabilities of various effect sizes sufficiently, with a focus on size of effects in relation to clinical/practical/mechanistic importance, to justify the continued use of the term magnitude based inference.

We are grateful to Daniël Lakens for helping us to fully grasp the central plank of the critique of MBI–that MBI has no firm theoretical basis and requires a formal, principled footing. As stated, MBI is Bayesian. Bayesians do not typically concern themselves with error control, but we did so for two reasons. First, Welsh and Knight (2015) reported that error rates were high for MBI. Second, and more importantly, researchers and practitioners have to make decisions, and decisions have attendant errors. We have elaborated on our definitions and we believe firmly that our error rates are acceptable compared with those of null-hypothesis significance testing. Therefore, we contend, as stated by Rod Little, that MBI is a form of calibrated Bayesian inference with a dispersed uniform prior giving a posterior distribution with reasonable frequentist properties. We acknowledge that in our rebuttal to Sainani our use of the term hybrid to describe MBI did not characterise the approach properly; calibrated Bayes is the more appropriate and explicit term. As discussed in a Twitter exchange with Daniël Lakens, we do not expect researchers to quantify error rates (based on some assumptions) on a study-by-study basis. It is clear therefore that the above articulation resolves the main point of contention in the recent debate; MBI indeed has a firm, explicit epistemological basis. MBI is calibrated Bayesian inference, and the prior is not buried, in Rod Little’s terms; we are up-front about the prior being minimally informative (dispersed uniform).

Rod Little cites the well-known “screening paradox” for a rare disease to illustrate that prior distributions play an important role in inference in situations where prior information is strongly informative. In many instances, however, we contend that beliefs based on existing data or experience are not sufficient to form a robust prior distribution, and we prefer to specify a dispersed uniform prior and to let the posterior be determined entirely by the data. We agree fully, of course, that the specification of the prior distribution needs to be transparent and subject to criticism, and this requirement goes for both "objective" MBI and "subjective" Bayesian approaches with informative prior distributions.

The cornerstone of a fully transparent presentation of results with MBI uses our qualitative probabilistic terms based on the posterior probabilities of substantial and/or trivial effect magnitudes. It is important to note at this juncture that the Bayesian ROPE procedure (Kruschke, 2018) advocated by Daniël Lakens, using its default broad prior, gives posterior probabilities of benefit and harm that are practically equivalent to those from MBI, as both approaches use minimally informative priors. We have always advocated complementing the results with the presentation of the credibility interval, which in MBI is congruent with the standard confidence interval. Anyone of an equivalence-test persuasion may then use the disposition of the credibility interval to their specification of the region of practical equivalence. This suggestion is pragmatic, and should not be taken as us slipping into frequentist language. As we have argued, we prefer estimation to "testimation", so we wish to avoid hypothesis tests of any kind, involving either the nil (zero) hypotheses or non-zero hypotheses, as in equivalence testing. Anyone using MBI still concerned with error rates may supplement the results with the presentation of the second-generation p value, staying true to an estimation approach anchored to clinical or practical relevance.

We hope that we have shown clearly that we are not purveyors of "shoddy statistics", distorting the scientific record in sports medicine and exercise science. Bayesians of other persuasions may take issue with our choice of prior, and frequentists might argue with our estimation approach, but there is no doubt that MBI is on a firm epistemological foundation as a form of calibrated Bayesian inference with a least-informative prior.

Hopkins WG, Batterham AM (2016). Error rates, decisive outcomes and publication bias with several inferential methods. Sports Medicine 46, 1563-1573

Kruschke, J. K. (2018). Rejecting or Accepting Parameter Values in Bayesian Estimation. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2515245918771304.

Sainani KL (2018). The problem with "magnitude-based inference". Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (in press)

Welsh AH, Knight EJ (2015). "Magnitude-based Inference": A statistical review. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 47, 874-884

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First published 3 June 2018.
