A New View of Statistics | |
See the previous simulation for summary of findings on bias. Method here is for known population between-subject variance, i.e. no extra variance in the effect size from the denominator. My simulations all use variables with unit variance, so here I put denominator=1; As I described on the main page, I used the fact that the width of confidence intervals is proportional to 1/root(n). For this method, you also need to know the acceptable widths of the confidence interval for a given ES. I got those.from the boundaries of the steps in the magnitude scale. Here are the confidence intervals that come to the boundaries of each step, and the corresponding effect sizes: ES CI 0 0.402 0.408 0.43 0.893 0.525 1.56 0.805 3.03 2.14 -0.408 0.43 -0.893 0.525 -1.56 0.805 -3.03 2.14 I fitted a 4th-order polynomial to these data with a graphing program (Deltagraph). This is the curve in the figure: CI = 3.575348E-3*ES**4 + 1.565327E-1*ES**2 + 4.015905E-1 [Note: When the sample SD is used to calculate effect size, the data and equation are slightly different. ES CI 0 0.402 0.405 0.43 0.88 0.525 1.54 0.805 2.9 2.14 -0.405 0.43 -0.88 0.525 -1.54 0.805 -2.9 2.14 CI = 6.163550E-3*ES**4 + 1.547127E-1*ES**2 + 4.029553E-1 The above equation was used for the simulations for effect size in cross-sectional studies and ditto longitudinal studies using the sample SD.] I then used this equation to predict the target confidence interval (cipred) for a given sample ES. I divided that into the actual confidence interval, squared the result, and multiplied by the current sample size to get the next sample size. I calculated the exact confidence interval for the given ES using confint=2*1.96*sdes, where sdes, the standard devation of the effect size, is sqrt(2/n). The simulation now requires an additional parameter, the reliability of the dependent variable. I ran the simulations for reliabilities of 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, and 0.95. Right, then, here is the simulation. options linesize=85; options pagesize=30; %macro whatever; *effect sizee=&es, rely=&r; data dat1; do trial=1 to &trialn; do id=1 to &startn; true=rannor(0); y1=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0); y2=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0)+&es; ydiff=y2-y1; output; end; end; keep trial ydiff id; %mend; %let trialn=1000; *no. of trials; %let r=0.95; *reliability; %let es=0.2; *effect size; %let startn=10; *initial sample size; %let nmax1=20; *total size limit for 1st interation; %let nmax2=20; *total size limit for 2nd or more interations; %whatever; data dat0; set; dataset="initial"; proc means noprint data=dat1; var ydiff; output out=dat n=n mean= std=stdydiff; by trial; data dat2; set; iter=1; samplees=ydiff; *denominator=1; confint=2*1.96*stdydiff/sqrt(n); cipred = 3.575348E-3*samplees**4 + 1.565327E-1*samplees**2 + 4.015905E-1; if cipred<confint then do; nnew=round(n*(confint/cipred)**2)-n; if nnew+n>&nmax1 then nnew=&nmax1-n; if nnew then do; do id=n+1 to nnew+n; true=rannor(0); y1=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0); y2=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0)+&es; ydiff=y2-y1; output; end; end; end; keep trial ydiff id nnew iter; *proc print; *run; /* *This bit checks that I've got the formulae right, by comparing the sampling distribution with the Becker-derived es and its conf int; *It's slashed off when the main simulation is run; proc univariate noprint; var samplees; output mean=mean pctlpre=Q pctlpts=2.5 50 97.5; title "Sampling distn for es in x-over, r=&r es=&es n=&startn"; title2 "for sample effect size"; proc print; proc means mean std min max maxdec=2 data=dat2; var samplees crrctes confint cipred; title "Stats for es in x-over, r=&r es=&es n=&startn"; title2 "for Becker-derived es and its confidence interval"; run; */ *2nd iteration; data dat1; set dat1 dat2; proc sort; by trial; *proc print; *run; proc means noprint data=dat1; var ydiff; output out=dat n=n mean= std=stdydiff; by trial; data dat2; set; iter=2; samplees=ydiff; *denom=1; confint=2*1.96*stdydiff/sqrt(n); cipred = 3.575348E-3*samplees**4 + 1.565327E-1*samplees**2 + 4.015905E-1; if cipred<confint then do; nnew=round(n*(confint/cipred)**2)-n; if nnew+n>&nmax2 then nnew=&nmax2-n; if nnew then do; do id=n+1 to nnew+n; true=rannor(0); y1=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0); y2=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0)+&es; ydiff=y2-y1; output; end; end; end; keep trial ydiff id nnew iter; *3nd iteration; data dat1; set dat1 dat2; proc sort; by trial; proc means noprint data=dat1; var ydiff; output out=dat n=n mean= std=stdydiff; by trial; data dat2; set; iter=3; samplees=ydiff; *denom=1; confint=2*1.96*stdydiff/sqrt(n); cipred = 3.575348E-3*samplees**4 + 1.565327E-1*samplees**2 + 4.015905E-1; if cipred<confint then do; nnew=round(n*(confint/cipred)**2)-n; * if nnew+n>&nmax2 then nnew=&nmax2-n; if nnew then do; do id=n+1 to nnew+n; true=rannor(0); y1=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0); y2=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0)+&es; ydiff=y2-y1; output; end; end; end; keep trial ydiff id nnew iter; *4th iteration; data dat1; set dat1 dat2; proc sort; by trial; proc means noprint data=dat1; var ydiff; output out=dat n=n mean= std=stdydiff; by trial; data dat2; set; iter=4; samplees=ydiff; *denom=1; confint=2*1.96*stdydiff/sqrt(n); cipred = 3.575348E-3*samplees**4 + 1.565327E-1*samplees**2 + 4.015905E-1; if cipred<confint then do; nnew=round(n*(confint/cipred)**2)-n; * if nnew+n>&nmax2 then nnew=&nmax2-n; if nnew then do; do id=n+1 to nnew+n; true=rannor(0); y1=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0); y2=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0)+&es; ydiff=y2-y1; output; end; end; end; keep trial ydiff id nnew iter; *output results; data dat1; set dat1 dat2; dataset="final"; data datboth; set dat0 dat1; proc sort; by dataset trial; proc means noprint data=datboth; var ydiff; output out=dat n=n mean= std=stdydiff; by dataset trial; data dat2; set; samplees=ydiff; *denom=1; confint=2*1.96*stdydiff/sqrt(n); confliml=samplees-confint/2; conflimu=samplees+confint/2; proc means noprint; var n samplees confint confliml conflimu; by dataset; output mean=; proc print noobs; var dataset n samplees confint confliml conflimu; format _numeric_ 5.2 n 4.; title "ES stats rely=&r es=&es startn=&startn trials=&trialn"; title2 "nmax1=&nmax1 nmax2=&nmax2, longitudinal study, no control group"; data datfinal; set dat2; if dataset="final"; proc univariate noprint; var samplees ; output mean=mean pctlpre=Q pctlpts=2.5 50 97.5; proc print noobs; format _numeric_ 5.2; title "Sampling distn for es, r=&r es=&es n=&startn"; title2 "for final sample effect size"; proc means n mean std min max maxdec=0 data=datfinal; var n; title "Stats for final sample size r=&r es=&es n=&startn nmax=&nmax"; proc sort data=dat1; by trial iter; proc means noprint; var nnew; output mean=; by trial iter; proc sort; by iter; proc means noprint; var nnew; by iter; output n=n mean= std=std min=min max=max; data; set; if iter; proc print noobs; var iter n nnew std min max; format _numeric_ 5.0; title "Number of extra observations at each iteration"; title2 "for rely=&r es=&es startn=&startn nmax1=&nmax1 nmax2=&nmax2"; run; **************************; *Here is a simulation using statistical significance to stop sampling; *I set the sample-size limit to 80 for each step, because you can get huge predictions for the sample size for the next round; %macro whatever; *effect sizee=&es, rely=&r; data dat1; do trial=1 to &trialn; do id=1 to &startn; true=rannor(0); y1=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0); y2=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0)+&es; ydiff=y2-y1; output; end; end; keep trial ydiff id; %mend; %let trialn=1000; *no. of trials; %let r=0.8; *reliability; %let es=0.41; *effect size; %let startn=10; *initial sample size; *%let nmax1=20; *not used; *%let nmax2=20; *not used; %whatever; data dat0; set; dataset="initial"; proc means noprint data=dat1; var ydiff; output out=dat n=n mean= std=stdydiff; by trial; data dat2; set; iter=1; samplees=ydiff; *denominator=1; tail=1.96*stdydiff/sqrt(n); if abs(samplees)<tail then do; nnew=round(n*(tail/samplees)**2)-n; if nnew then do; if n+nnew>80 then nnew=80-n; do id=n+1 to nnew+n; true=rannor(0); y1=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0); y2=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0)+&es; ydiff=y2-y1; output; end; end; end; keep trial ydiff id nnew iter; *2nd iteration; data dat1; set dat1 dat2; proc sort; by trial; *proc print; *run; proc means noprint data=dat1; var ydiff; output out=dat n=n mean= std=stdydiff; by trial; data dat2; set; iter=2; samplees=ydiff; *denominator=1; tail=1.96*stdydiff/sqrt(n); if abs(samplees)<tail then do; nnew=round(n*(tail/samplees)**2)-n; if nnew then do; if n+nnew>80 then nnew=80-n; do id=n+1 to nnew+n; true=rannor(0); y1=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0); y2=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0)+&es; ydiff=y2-y1; output; end; end; end; keep trial ydiff id nnew iter; *3nd iteration; data dat1; set dat1 dat2; proc sort; by trial; proc means noprint data=dat1; var ydiff; output out=dat n=n mean= std=stdydiff; by trial; data dat2; set; iter=3; samplees=ydiff; *denominator=1; tail=1.96*stdydiff/sqrt(n); if abs(samplees)<tail then do; nnew=round(n*(tail/samplees)**2)-n; if nnew then do; if n+nnew>80 then nnew=80-n; do id=n+1 to nnew+n; true=rannor(0); y1=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0); y2=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0)+&es; ydiff=y2-y1; output; end; end; end; keep trial ydiff id nnew iter; *4th iteration; data dat1; set dat1 dat2; proc sort; by trial; proc means noprint data=dat1; var ydiff; output out=dat n=n mean= std=stdydiff; by trial; data dat2; set; iter=4; samplees=ydiff; *denominator=1; tail=1.96*stdydiff/sqrt(n); if abs(samplees)<tail then do; nnew=round(n*(tail/samplees)**2)-n; if nnew then do; if n+nnew>80 then nnew=80-n; do id=n+1 to nnew+n; true=rannor(0); y1=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0); y2=sqrt(&r)*true+sqrt(1-&r)*rannor(0)+&es; ydiff=y2-y1; output; end; end; end; keep trial ydiff id nnew iter; *output results; data dat1; set dat1 dat2; dataset="final"; data datboth; set dat0 dat1; proc sort; by dataset trial; proc means noprint data=datboth; var ydiff; output out=dat n=n mean= std=stdydiff; by dataset trial; data dat2; set; samplees=ydiff; *denom=1; confint=2*1.96*stdydiff/sqrt(n); confliml=samplees-confint/2; conflimu=samplees+confint/2; proc means noprint; var n samplees confint confliml conflimu; by dataset; output mean=; proc print noobs; var dataset n samplees confint confliml conflimu; format _numeric_ 5.2 n 4.; title "ES stats rely=&r es=&es startn=&startn trials=&trialn"; title2 "nmax1=&nmax1 nmax2=&nmax2, longitudinal study, no control group"; data datfinal; set dat2; if dataset="final"; proc univariate noprint; var samplees ; output mean=mean pctlpre=Q pctlpts=2.5 50 97.5; proc print noobs; format _numeric_ 5.2; title "Sampling distn for es, r=&r es=&es n=&startn"; title2 "for final sample effect size"; proc means n mean std min max maxdec=0 data=datfinal; var n; title "Stats for final sample size r=&r es=&es n=&startn nmax=&nmax"; proc sort data=dat1; by trial iter; proc means noprint; var nnew; output mean=; by trial iter; proc sort; by iter; proc means noprint; var nnew; by iter; output n=n mean= std=std min=min max=max; data; set; if iter; proc print noobs; var iter n nnew std min max; format _numeric_ 5.0; title "Number of extra observations at each iteration"; title2 "for rely=&r es=&es startn=&startn nmax1=&nmax1 nmax2=&nmax2"; run;
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